This listing is for a carved yak bone wrist mala/ bracelet. There are 24 carved yak bone beads,. Each yak bone bead measures 7mm and the circumference of the wrist mala is 7 inches and extent to 11 inches with sliding knot. If you have a smaller wrist size, just give me your measurement and i will make a right one for you.
Prayer Mala or beads are usually used by Buddhists around the world especially in Tibet, Nepal and India and used for meditation, counting mantras, and prostration and those counters are especially for counting when you do prostration or in a retreat for counting mantras. Malas are worn on the left wrist while not in use.
Suggested Mantras for this mala "Om Muni Muni Maha Muni ye soha" To Lord Buddha Shakyamuni "Om Tare Turi Tutari Turi Soha" To White Tara "Tayatha Om Pekatse Pekatse Maha Pekatse Raza Samu Gati Soha" To medicine Buddha.